POLI 375A Global Environmental Politics
Environmental problems don’t recognize national frontiers. Climate change, desertification, deforestation, global water scarcity are all problems that affect us regardless of geographical location. Cross-boundary environmental degradation and over-exploitative access to common pool resources have frequently lead to conflict and confrontation. How can we protect our shared bio-physical resources? This course explores the politics of international environmental problems from a global perspective. We will look at current global environmental issues, including but not limited to climate change, transboundary hazardous waste movement, fisheries depletion and e-waste. This course will provide the student with a broad set of theoretical approaches to the study of international and global environmental politics. We will discuss the role of policymakers, scientists, non-state actors and nation-states in establishing and maintaining environmental protection efforts worldwide.
The syllabus for POLI 375A Global Environmental Politics (Spring 2011, Term 2) can be found here.
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