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Social Media in Academia

Social Media in Academia

I have taught dozens of workshops on how to best use social media in academia, and I’ve written about this topic throughout the years. Obviously my advice will become dated as social networking sites change, but some of these ideas are still worth revisiting.

Building community online (#AcademicTwitter) through promoting others’ work

This blog post outlines how I’ve grown my online community of scholars.

6 Twitter tips for busy academics (based on my own strategy)

I offer 6 strategies to use Twitter and still be able to do some work.

3 tips for robust #AcademicTwitter management for intermediate users

I wrote this post to offer some intermediate techniques to manage information overload and ensure that your Twitter timeline is controlled by you and not by Twitter.

5 ways in which Twitter can be useful in academic contexts

I have used Twitter for my scholarly research, not only to disseminate knowledge, but also to learn from others and build community. Here I explain five ways in which I found Twitter is useful for my work.

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