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Category Archives: academia

  1. Tackling an R&R (Revise-And-Resubmit) – a full-fledged process February 13, 2021

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  2. On student workload, cognitive load, number of hours per credit hour and the future of online teaching February 5, 2021

    Posted in academia.

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  3. Skimming articles using the AIC (Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion) Method, plus an AIC-> Synthetic Note Template for undergraduates (and graduates!) January 28, 2021

    Posted in academia, research, research methods, writing.

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  4. Using ethnographic field notes in the actual writing of a paper January 19, 2021

    Posted in academia, qualitative methods, research, research methods, writing.

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  5. Planning for Survival with a Cherry on Top January 16, 2021

    Posted in academia, planning.

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  6. Developing an entire course around a specific research project December 28, 2020

    Posted in academia.

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  7. How to prepare for a reading-intensive undergrad or graduate seminar (for students) and how to design a syllabus that offers reading guidance to students (for faculty) December 26, 2020

    Posted in academia, reading strategies.

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  8. On the importance of the Reading, Note-Taking, Synthesizing and Writing sequence in developing an academic research and writing practice December 26, 2020

    Posted in academia.

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  9. Linking theory with research, choosing a theoretical framework and developing alternative explanations December 22, 2020

    Posted in academia, research.

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  10. Three hot takes on the (wrong-headed) assumptions that incoming undergraduates and graduates have research skills November 29, 2020

    Posted in academia, teaching.

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  11. Getting the most out of writing groups (online and offline) November 29, 2020

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  12. Analog note-taking when highlighting is not possible (e.g. books) November 28, 2020

    Posted in academia, productivity, writing.

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  13. On the benefits of online writing groups November 25, 2020

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  14. Expanding Detailed Outlines into Memorandums and those into Full Manuscripts November 13, 2020

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  15. How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking – for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers (my reading notes) November 10, 2020

    Posted in academia, research methods, writing.

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  16. Writing papers using Initial Outlines and Detailed Outlines November 7, 2020

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  17. Reconsidering the Zoom University, synchronic/asynchronic and online teaching and learning October 28, 2020

    Posted in academia, teaching.

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  18. Those who can, DO *AND* TEACH – on what teaching entails October 26, 2020

    Posted in academia, teaching.

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  19. Teaching and pedagogy in the Zoom COVID19 pandemic times: Reducing reading workload and making my courses more practical and pragmatic October 11, 2020

    Posted in academia, teaching.

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  20. Syllabus: The Remarkable, Unremarkable Document That Changes Everything (Germano and Nicholls) – my reading notes October 11, 2020

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  21. Project management for academics III: Juggling multiple writing/research projects September 13, 2020

    Posted in academia, organization, planning, productivity, research.

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  22. How to develop a writing practice II: 12 tips to help you start, develop and hone your writing craft September 6, 2020

    Posted in academia, writing.

  23. How to develop a writing practice I: Read “Writing Practice Developmental Books” September 6, 2020

    Posted in academia, reading notes, writing.

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  24. Economical Writing: Thirty Five Rules for Clear and Persuasive Prose September 6, 2020

    Posted in academia.

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  25. A typology of books about writing (Inspirational, Thematic and Developmental) September 2, 2020

    Posted in academia.

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