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World Toilet Day 2013: Say #ThankYouToilet and #CelebrateTheToilet

Seating Toilet in JapanToday is the day that justifies my research (the governance and global politics of sanitation). Today is World Toilet Day. For the first time, the United Nations has recognized this day as a UN day. and while for some people it may be “scatological” to talk about toilets, sanitation, shitting and poo, all of these are important components of human life. Every day, 1600 children die because of lack of access to proper sanitation. Recent research has demonstrated that access to better sanitation improves the scores of children in school-age, and decrease probabilities of stunting. Lack of proper sanitation has terrible, negative implications on the lives of young women. Decreased access to sanitation facilities means that young women and girls do not have access to proper menstrual management methods, thereby having to miss school with the subsequent negative effects on progress in their education.

old toilets in Montevideo (Uruguay)When I was in Montevideo (Uruguay) a couple of weeks ago doing some fieldwork, I witnessed instances of open defecation. On the streets of beautiful Ciudad Vieja. Open defecation isn’t a practice only carried out in poor, developing countries. It happens in developed countries too. 935 million people still practice open defecation. They do so often times because they do not have access to the dignity of a toilet. According to data released by the World Bank, 53% of Indian households defecate in the open. Our progress towards the Millennium Development Goals targets in 2015 are definitely way off. There is still 2.5 billion people without access to improved sanitation. The situation in Mexico isn’t that much better given the lack of interest of Mexican government officials in sanitation.

If we were to continue progress towards the MDGs at a growth rate of 1% increase in access to sanitation per year, we still would need 54 years to get to where we should be by 2015.

I know, sort of unbelievable.

This year, there have been a number of excellent campaigns around World Toilet Day 2013. Water Aid created a funny but relevant song through Louie the Loo, called Thank You Toilet:

Why toilets? Because we need them to fulfill one of the most basic and vital needs, and we need them on a global scale. Because the size of the problem is so big. So this year, Celebrate the Toilet on World Toilet Day.

Posted in academia, sanitation, wastewater, World Toilet Day.

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The downsides of academic travel

Whenever I have had to cancel a meeting with fellow faculty members or decline an invitation this year due to my hectic travel schedule, more than one colleague has asked me “how do you get to travel so much?“. Almost hinting at being envious at the privilege of how much academic-conference and workshop-related travel I do.

Travel to Montevideo (Uruguay)

This year, I got to cross the Andes by air. Beautiful.

Truth be told, I am grateful for all the travel opportunities I have had this year. I have visited 9 countries in 6 months and did fieldwork at least in 6 of those (Japan, Canada, the US. Ireland, Portugal, Uruguay).

But I have also had to do a lot of work, to earn the privilege, to write the papers I’m presenting and to actually do the things I’m supposed to do there. Let’s not forget it, it IS work. Often constrained by the other commitments I have. I have traveled twice to Europe for 2-day workshops, literally only being away for four days (one for travel there, and one for travel back). I don’t practice “academic tourism”. I’ve traveled enough of the world to not need to do it using the excuse of doing scientific or scholarly work.

Lisbon Workshop on Transnational Public Participation and Transnational Social Movements 2013

Me participating in the closing keynote for the TPP and TSM workshop in Lisbon, Portugal. Photo credit: Nina Amelung

In fact, doing all the travel I did this year created more challenges for me than if I had stayed in Mexico. Yes, there were amazing opportunities, of course. But all this travel has downsides. The time that is lost before, during and after travel. Adjusting to time-zone changes. Falling behind on stuff you are normally on top of. All this travel has taken a toll on my health. I travelled to Lisbon sick, got even sicker after the London-Lisbon flight and missed the first part of the workshop sleeping trying to get healthy so I could give two talks and comment a paper.

This isn’t life.

I have learned my lesson from all the travel I did in 2013 and next year I am privileging fieldwork- and family-related travel. Like a wise professor told me, “I won’t stop traveling but I will reduce it and travel more wisely“.

I don’t regret any of the trips I did for work this year. Not even the Lisbon one. In all of the workshops I’ve done I have gotten great feedback, new ideas. I have explored new sites for fieldwork and conducted preliminary interviews. And yes I’ve gotten to practice other languages and seen beautiful places.

Descentralizacion panel CLAD 2013

Me, speaking at a panel on decentralization in Latin America at CLAD 2013 in Montevideo, Uruguay.

The one aspect I’m more thrilled about all the travel I did is the broad range of new possibilities for comparative work. I did enough fieldwork in South America, Asia and Europe that I have chosen new sites for more in-depth analysis. Couldn’t ask for more. But there are still negative effects.

Beyond the health issues, my carbon footprint is terrible. Think about it: I’m a professor of environmental politics and I travel the world using one of the most polluting modes of travel. Talk about counterintuitive. I do buy carbon offsets but still there’s so much more to do.

I’m going to pick-and-choose my conferences very wisely this year. And I’m going to clearly assess the potential negative impacts of participating in a conference or workshop, not only from the viewpoint of a carbon footprint but more so from the perspective of staying healthy. This will necessarily mean that I won’t be doing the travel I did this year, but there will be other forms of disseminating my work and getting feedback. And as I said, my travel in 2014 will be focused more on fieldwork, and on family-related matters.

I should also add: I’m planning to travel for holidays more in 2014. I work very hard, and I’ve earned my vacation time.

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The ethics of fieldwork in vulnerable communities/populations

I have spent the better part of this week in Montevideo (Uruguay), a coastal city right across from Buenos Aires (Argentina), and a perfect laboratory for someone who does the kind of research I do (leather science, informal waste picking, water privatization in Latin America, sanitation). The reason that brought me here (the CLAD 2013 Congress) was presenting a paper on decentralization of environmental policy in Mexico. However, as I normally do whenever/wherever I travel, I prepared myself to undertake some fieldwork and explore the city.

Trash container in Montevideo

I wanted to see whether the city of Montevideo would offer an interesting site to come back and undertake a more in-depth fieldwork period. After all, it is a coastal city, in South America, part of a binational river basin. I was pretty sure it faced similar problems/issues as Buenos Aires and perhaps other cities worldwide. Vancouver (where I lived for more than a decade) is also a coastal city and one that could very well be compared to Montevideo and Buenos Aires.

As I was roaming the streets and exploring some of the poorest areas of Montevideo (particularly towards Ciudad Vieja), I was floored to see the dramatic inequalities in this city. There were homeless people sleeping right besides the Embassy of France in Uruguay. You could walk less than 100 feet and be at a beautiful opera house. There was a brand new, boutique hotel right in the middle of Ciudad Vieja (where some areas could be very well rivaling Vancouver’s Downtown East Side in terms of poverty and inequality).

Several of these folks were rummaging through the trash containers located every few blocks. This is not an uncommon process for informal waste recyclers, and it is one that similars what happens in Aguascalientes (Mexico). When I saw people picking waste, I was confronted with a conundrum and an ethical dilemma: taking a photo of the informal waste recycler while she was picking the trash would be quite illustrative of the process dynamics. However, if I took a photograph, I would feel as though I am violating that person’s privacy. I felt that I would be violating some sort of unwritten ethical rule where you don’t take photos of vulnerable populations.

This probably comes from my own PhD training in Canada, where ethics review boards are quite strict in how they approach field research that involves human subjects. But at the more profound level, I felt it was unethical to take photos of people who have traditionally been marginalized. Of course, I ended up refraining from taking the photo, but I do acknowledge that the thought crossed my mind. Clearly, it was a good decision to not act on my thought/impulse, but I wonder if everyone stops to reflect on these issues and what the ethics of fieldwork in vulnerable communities are. I’m hoping this blog post helps start a conversation around the topic.

Posted in academia, comparative public policy, conferences, waste.

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Balancing focus and diversification: Having multiple projects on the go

One of the challenges I face as a multidisciplinary researcher who doesn’t accept the traditional, discipline-based boundaries rigidly set by traditional academic standards is to find the right balance of focus and diversification (and the right balance of writing what you want to write right now versus what you need to finish). For many years, I taught at a political science department. My research was targeted to political science audiences. I was, for all purposes, a political scientist with a specialization in comparative environmental politics and policy. Even with an interdisciplinary training (chemical engineering, business administration, economics of technical change, human geography, planning and political science), I had to target those audiences.

There’s a number of tensions that we academics need to grapple with. First, we want to publish in highly-ranked, reputable journals with (hopefully) high impact. Since the lingua franca of research worldwide is still English, we need to target journals in the higher tiers of their own disciplines (Global Environmental Politics, for example, in my own area of research). But then you also have another tension: you want to publish widely-read scholarship, so you need to decide if you publish in an open-access journal, regardless of the rank. Moreover, you want to broaden your audience. In my case, I teach in a Spanish-speaking country, but I have lived and taught in English for the majority of my professional life. So, I find myself grappling with whether to publish in Spanish or in English-language journals.

Resources and new printer at CIDE Region Centro

Then you have the subject-area tension. I’m widely known as a scholar of sanitation and wastewater governance. For the past decade, I have studied cooperative approaches to resource governance using the wastewater sector as a case study. But I also have done other research: I have studied transnational environmental social movements’ mobilization strategies. My doctoral dissertation created a multidisciplinary framework to explore regional innovation dynamics in industrial clusters. Thus, I have also written about human geography and industrial restructuring. I have done policy evaluation projects ranging from climate change to water and toxics. And lately I’m interested in poverty from a water and energy perspective. And recently, I’ve moved back to studying solid waste governance. So, I have multiple scholarly interests, and competing forces pulling me in different directions. What am I supposed to do? Just do sanitation and forget about all the other interesting research projects that come my way? Block my own intellectual curiosity and focus solely on just one field? Do I just want to publish ONE solid piece in a highly-respected journal every few years, or do I focus on a variety of projects, so as to make my scholarly avenues broader?

Furthermore, given the ridiculously long time-to-publish queues in some fields (particularly political science), if I want to have a nice journal article published in 2-3 years, I need to submit it right about now. Peer-review practice is one I am extremely critical of. I am an Associate Editor of a journal, I am on the editorial board of 5 journals, and I always aim for 2 weeks to a month for my own peer reviews. But not everybody is as fast as I am. I review at the very least a journal manuscript a week (and some people seem to be overwhelmed when journal editors ask them for a review a year!)

Thus, I have found myself working within a framework where I attempt to balance focus and diversification. I don’t stray away from my core intellectual strengths nor from my experience. I don’t do conservation. I don’t do forests. I have barely scrapped the literature on climate policy with my own work (although I’m moving towards climate policy evaluation and water governance under extreme climatic events), I stay away from scholarly undertakings far from my own field (although who wouldn’t want to study the Internet, for example?).

Resources and new printer at CIDE Region Centro

At the same time, I never write just one piece. Every single day of the week (7 days a week), I write for two hours, and I write on a variety of topics. I am working on getting stuff out that I worked on for a long while and that should have been published a long time ago. But I am also giving myself the opportunity to “test-drive” new ideas. For example, for a long time I stayed away from the water privatization literature. I only dealt with it insofar sanitation infrastructure is a municipal-level undertaking, and sometimes local governments seek to privatize wastewater treatment and sewerage provision. However, in finishing a recent book chapter on sanitation, I came across really interesting data and concepts on bottled water. Thus, I am currently working on a paper on the political aspects of bottled water. Not my main research focus by and large, but a really interesting (and under-explored) field. I don’t work on the bottled water stuff for long, because I have other research commitments (e.g. coauthored pieces). But I am mildly obsessed with the literature on the privatization of water supply and the provision and consumption of bottled water. While this is happening, I am taming my obsession by staying true and focused to what I need to get out in 2013, but thinking towards 2014 and 2015 on what kind of work I will be doing.

Having multiple projects on the go also allows me to have a higher per-year productivity. Since different journals will have varying publishing schedules, I can work on, write and submit several pieces and wait until I get a rejection or revise-and-resubmit (or, hopefully, until they get accepted!). By writing sections of several papers at the same time, I am able to keep myself busy without overwhelming myself with an “OMG I have not finished this paper due this week and I’m frozen with writers’ block“. There are topics that come to me much more easily (sanitation and anything to do with neoinstitutional theory), and topics that push my intellectual boundaries (water conflict, experimental methods work, or highly-sophisticated quantitative stuff, or heavy formal modeling, or social constructivism).

Moreover, having multiple projects on the go enables me to find where my research trajectory is moving. If I see that a topic is being over-researched (I have a love-hate with climate politics, for example), I can move my work in a different direction. I am well aware that intractable water conflict is challenging me intellectually. I know very little about water privatization (which is a really big field). The anthropology of public policy is another topic that is calling my name. So, I am balancing focus with some degree of diversification. I focus when I need to finish a manuscript, but I always have multiple writings on the go.

Preparing lecture slides

And of course, there is also the challenge of finding the right balance of teaching versus research, and service to the university, to the community and to my discipline and peers. Academia is a profession that, like many others, requires balance. I am trying every day to attain a balance of healthy living, solid research and teaching. Not an easy challenge, but not impossible either.

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Researching “what you really want to” versus “what you know you need to”

I’m having an intense and really challenging week, one where I am feeling really conflicted. My weeks are usually like this, but this week I’m facing an interesting conundrum. I have a number of projects I need to finish off (not the least, changes to my book that I lost in the last round of edits, and that I need to submit before the end of October). But in the past couple of weeks I have found myself really drawn to the topic of bottled water. Specifically, to the politics of bottled water consumption in Latin America and Mexico. So I’m more drawn to starting a new project than finishing what I already have on the pipeline.

Bottled water

It shouldn’t be a surprise that this area of research is of interest to me. After all, my PhD student is doing her dissertation on water privatization in Latin America, and bottled water is one of the angles from where this topic can be approached. But interestingly enough, during commutes to and from Morelia and in other side trips I have had to take (when I travel to Leon and back to Aguascalientes) I have found myself reading scholarship on bottled water consumption for fun. And writing about it. Almost as though I am obsessed with the topic.

This is one of the challenges with the way I do research. I always have multiple projects on the go and I have a very broad spectrum of research interests, but bottled water really has gotten under my skin. I have even taken a little bit of what Jamie Linton calls “a dialectic relationship with water” even buying a 6 pack of small bottles of water to assess (through my own experience) when do I feel the need/desire to consume bottled water. I usually carry my own water bottle, so I rarely have this need. But in the spirit of research, I wanted to experience the interaction with bottles of water.

I feel even more conflicted because World Toilet Day 2013 is approaching. I’m a scholar of sanitation and wastewater governance. If there is a day that justifies my field of research, it is November 19th, World Toilet Day. I should be reading up again on what the Joint Monitoring Programme is publishing regarding sanitation statistics, and examining the latest literature. But here I find myself obsessed with bottled water consumption.

Does this ever happen to you? If so, what do you do?

Posted in academia, research, wastewater, water governance.

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On the value of small workshops versus large conferences in academia

This has been an extremely productive year for me. In 2013 alone, I have participated, so far, in 2 international conferences (the biennial meeting of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, in Kitafuji, Japan, and the 2013 meeting of the Latin American Studies Association in Washington DC, USA), and 2 international workshops (“The Political Dimensions of Water Resources” in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas in Mexico, and “The Ways and Means of Transnational Private Regulation” in Dublin, Ireland). This tally is not even counting the local conferences I’ve presented at (IGLOM 2013, the biennial Meeting of Researchers on Local Governments in Mexico that took place in Guadalajara, the 2013 International Political Science conference in Guanajuato).

Taller Tematico SRE-CONACYT

What I have found is that I like small workshops much better than I do large scale conferences. Of course, I love attending LASA, ISA, APSA, AAG. These are conferences where I network with a vast community of scholars in different fields with whom I have established (or want to build the foundation for) collaborative networks. But small-scale workshops allow me to spend full days immersed in one topic, instead of shuttling from room to room chasing scholars I want to hear.

My experience at LASA 2013 in Washington DC this summer (presenting, not actually attending) was somewhat disappointing. I did receive some interesting feedback on my paper, but it was a huge room and there were like 15 attendees (there were 3 presenters in my panel). Frankly, for the expense, I really didn’t feel I got much out of what I invested (full disclosure: LASA gave me a travel grant, but I paid additional expenses).

TPRDublin13 Workshop

Contrast that to the workshops I participated in, where I could focus entirely for two or three days in the research we were discussing (in one case, the politics of water, and in the other, transnational private regulation). In both cases I felt that I actually was able to immerse myself in the topic. This feeling may also be the result of the type of conferences I attend. LASA is massive, and too heterogeneous and diverse. Although IASC wasn’t that big of a conference compared to LASA, it was a titch too diverse (I study water as a commons, whereas we discussed every type of commons, including forests, climate, etc).

I’ve had the same type of experience at International Studies Association, Canadian Association of Geographers, and a number of other conferences I’ve attended. I still plan to do several of those, but I’m going to privilege participating in smaller-scale workshops when I want to get more out of an academic meeting of the minds.

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Workshop on Environment and Development in Latin America at CIDE (CIDE-WEDELA)

Workshop on Environment and Development Economics in Latin America (WEDELA) at CIDE Santa FeIn recent years, CIDE (my home institution) has made an effort to increase the number of tenure-track hires in the environmental field. My colleague Alejandro Lopez-Feldman (who is the Director of the Economics Division and a solid scholar of environmental and development economics) was kind enough to invite me to the Workshop on Environment and Development in Latin America that was recently held at CIDE Santa Fe in Mexico City.

Several of my colleagues, Juan Manuel Torres Rojo (who is a forest economist and the former head of CONAFOR), Hector Nuñez who works alongside me in the Region Centro campus of CIDE, and David Heres who is at CIDE Santa Fe, as well as our recent hire Lopamudra Chakraborti who is also at the Region Centro campus are all environmental economists and it’s exciting to see the emerging environment cluster emerge at CIDE.

Workshop on Environment and Development in Latin America (CIDE Santa Fe Mexico City)

I’m not an environmental economist per se, but as a specialist in environmental policy, it is important for my own research that I am conversant in the scholarship that is being produced in the environmental economics field. Furthermore, my quantitative training allows me to have reasonable coherent conversations with my colleagues about the work they are undertaking. While the entire program was really good, I was there with most interest to hear one of the keynotes, Dr. Madhu Khanna, of Khanna and Damon fame.

Workshop on Environment and Development in Latin America (CIDE Santa Fe Mexico City)

Madhu and I met at a North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation workshop on information-disclosure policy instruments many, many years ago, while I was still a PhD student. Her paper with Damon (1999) was one of the many papers I had to read for my comprehensive examinations, and I fell in love with the way she conducted evaluations of voluntary environmental policy instruments, such as the US 33/50 and the Toxics Release Inventory. I have studied information-disclosure policy instruments in Mexico (the RETC, Registro de Emisiones y Transferencia de Contaminantes). Madhu wrote a really nice paper that provides an overview of non-regulatory approaches to pollution control that you can read here.

I was also very interested in hearing the panel on climate variability and impacts on Mexico. I was fascinated with Edward Taylor (University of California, Davis) on Climate Change and Labor Allocation in Mexico: Evidence from Annual Fluctuations in Weather, and with Marcelo Olivera (Universidad Autónoma de México, Cuajimalpa) who presented on Climate Change, Rain Fed Maize Productivity and Rural Malnutrition in Mexico. Unfortunately I couldn’t Storify this workshop in time and thus I can’t post the actual tweets that I sent throughout the first day of the workshop, but you can read them here.

Workshop on Environment and Development Economics in Latin America (WEDELA) at CIDE Santa Fe

I think the workshop was quite successful, and with the impending opening of our Masters programs in Regional and Environmental Economics (coordinated by my friend and colleague David Juarez), we will definitely be seeing more environmentally-focused events at both campuses of CIDE. Stay tuned.

Posted in academia, policy instruments.

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Strategies for academic success: Have the resources necessary for your work

This may sound trite, but I’m really thrilled that I am working at CIDE. The truth is, in the last 12 months I have received more institutional support than I had in more than a decade (both as a PhD student and as a faculty member at my previous institution). I am never shy to admit why I’m doing so well, and why this 2012-2013 academic cycle has been so productive for me: I have the resources that I need to succeed.

My office at CIDE Region Centro during and after writing a paper

The statement I wrote applies both to my institutional environment and my home. If you notice in these photos of my office at CIDE Region Centro, you will see that I have a laptop, a desktop, a tablet computer and an all-in-one laser printer (with scanner and photocopier integrated). Having all these pieces of hardware does enable me substantially. I don’t need to leave my office to print anything as I can print at my own office. We do have shared printers, and I’m grateful for those, but I am also very relieved that I now have my very own printer (this was my belated birthday gift to myself).

My office at CIDE Region Centro during and after writing a paper

I have access to an excellent library, both personal and on campus (full disclosure: I am the library representative of CIDE Region Centro to the main library at CIDE Santa Fe, thus I have a personal stake and interest in having the best book and journal collection in all of Mexico). I have access to online journals. My offices, both at CIDE Region Centro and at my home are both equipped with everything I possibly may need (including photos and framed pictures of my nieces and nephews for motivation).

Thus, it is hardly news that I’m successful. I am given the mental, physical and intellectual space to thrive, and in turn I make the best use of these resources.

Posted in academia.

Workshop “The Ways and Means of Transnational Private Regulation” (Dublin, Oct 11 and 12, 2013)

Earlier this year, I was invited to participate in the international workshop “The Ways and Means of Transnational Private Regulation“, to be held in Dublin on October 11th and 12 th, 2013. I really prefer workshops to the larger version of academic conferences, as they tend to be more intimate and more conducive to feedback and discussions.

The Ways and Means of Transnational Private Regulation Workshop (Dublin Oct 11 and 12, 2013)

Fabrizio Caffagi (EUI/Trento), the leader of the Hiil Transnational Private Regulation Project

I have been studying transnational advocacy networks for a long while now, and I wanted to explore whether the two empirical case studies of North American environmental policy that I have studied the most (the Citizen Submission on Enforcement Matters mechanism and the North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Registry Project, both of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America) would withstand the scrutiny of a new theoretical framework, transnational private regulation. My paper is titled “Transnational Private Environmental Regulation in North America: Just
How Much Power do Private Actors Have?

TPRDublin13 Workshop

I was in Dublin last week (I just arrived today, via Madrid and Mexico City) and I’m still a bit jet-lagged (I touched five countries in this trip – England, the US, Spain, Ireland and of course Mexico). The feedback I received on my paper was excellent and I want to take this opportunity to thank all the participants. One of the participants I was looking forward to meet the most was David Vogel from Berkeley, whose work I’ve followed for a long while, since I was a PhD student!

TPRDublin13 Workshop

Also, since Colin Scott also tweets, finally someone live-tweeted one of my papers! (I’m usually the one doing the live-tweeting). You can read some of the discussion by following the Storify of the hashtag #TPRDublin13.

Thanks to UCD Law, the organizers, and Nova UCD for being the most gracious hosts. And to the participants for a fantastic workshop.

Posted in academia, public policy theories, research.

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A summary of curators and social media hashtags for academics

A lot of people have asked me “who should I follow, and which hashtags should I follow for academic content consumption”. Like any summary, there will be obviously biases, and perhaps someone overlooked, but these are some of the curators of social media hashtags for academics I follow.

nasima riaziat#PhDChat (@NSRiazat) Nasima Riazat
The first time I saw a scholarly discussion of issues related to PhD life (and life as a graduate student) was over at #PhDChat. During the first few months, I joined the weekly hashtag moderation that was led by (soon-to-be Dr.) Nasima Riazat. Currently, #PhDChat functions both synchronously (weekly on Wednesdays I think) but also asynchronously. Any time someone wants to provide a piece of advice to PhD students (or just discuss PhD life), they do so over on the #PhDChat hashtag. Thanks to Nasima for always curating the feed, often retweeting very useful advice.

Nadine Muller#PhDAdvice (@Nadine_Muller) Nadine Muller
The second time I saw someone actually make a concerted effort to provide PhD students with advice was Dr. Nadine Muller, who is a Lecturer in English Literature at Liverpool John Moores University. She actually created a website, The New Academic, to help not only PhD students, but also early career scholars. While #PhDAdvice has taken off as well as an asynchronous hashtag and not a weekly, curated discussion, I have found enormous value in the hashtag and I would strongly recommend following it.

raul_on_patio_having_brunch_with_Lynne#ScholarSunday (@RaulPacheco) Raul Pacheco-Vega
Ok, so this is a bit self-serving if you want, but I do curate a social media hashtag, Scholar Sunday (I used to curate #MyResearch as well, but it got a bit overwhelming and contaminated with spam). Scholar Sunday was born because was bored to tears with ridiculously long lists of Twitter IDs with the #FollowFriday hashtag attached (or #FF). Frankly, my idea was to help build scholarly communities, so I decided to create #ScholarSunday to encourage people who follow scholars/academics/intellectuals to share who they follow, but more importantly, WHY they do. I’ll fully confess to being adamant on the use so as to avoid it becoming yet another #FF (Follow Friday). While I curate the hashtag, I’m thrilled that even without me prompting them, a lot of people already jump on the bandwagon. If you want to follow some smart people, try looking through the #ScholarSunday hashtag.

ProfRagsdale#SaturdaySchool (@ProfRagsdale) Rhonda Ragsdale
This is a much more curated hashtag as it’s a weekly undertaking by (soon-to-be-Dr.) Rhonda Ragsdale, who is an Associate Professor of History at Lone Star College – North Harris, and a PhD Candidate at Rice University. Rhonda curates a weekly teach-in (as she calls it, a protest against misinformation). These occur on Saturdays, every week, with a different topic/theme. I’ve guest co-hosted previous #SaturdaySchool teach-ins on water, and I’d do it again, because it’s a great exercise in learning about a topic you may have never talked about.

jeffrey2011ireland420#AdjunctChat (@JeffreyKeefer) Jeffrey Keefer
Dr. Jeffrey Keefer, who works as a Learning and Development Project Manager (Clinical Education) and Adjunct Professor at New York University and Pace University in New York City has taken on the challenging task of providing a forum for those professors who are not on a tenure-track stream (or tenured). Given the current dismal conditions of non-tenure-track faculty, serious conversations around this topic are much needed and I’m grateful to Jeffrey for curating the hashtag and hosting the weekly chat. #AdjunctChat provides a great forum to discuss issues that should be relevant to everybody in higher education.

KLWheat ECRChat#ECRChat (@KL_Wheat and @SnarkyPhD) Katie Wheat and Hazel Ferguson
While there was a couple of hashtags for PhD students (#PhDAdvice and #PhDChat, with #PhDForum a third that comes to mind right now), there wasn’t an actual chat for those of us who already got the PhD but aren’t senior scholars. Enter Hazel Ferguson and Katie Wheat, who co-host and co-organize the weekly chat for Early Career Scholars, #ECRChat. SnarkyPhD Hazel FergusonI know how hard it is to host a weekly Twitter chat, so I’m glad they do this on a fortnight (e.g. one week yes, one week no). If I had to host every week I’d be completely wiped (I tried to guest host a couple of times, but I couldn’t because I was overwhelmed with work). Of course, #ECRChat is also asynchronous and anybody who has (or wants) some advice will do it.

Jeremy Segrott#AcWri (@DrATarrant and @DrJeremySegrott) Anna Tarrant and Jeremy Segrott
Given how often I use the hashtag, you would probably be right that if I might have forgotten #AcWri it would have been a sin. But no, I didn’t. annatarrant The intellectual child of Dr. Anna Tarrant and Dr. Jeremy Segrott, #AcWri has become a virtual online forum where we academics (of all extractions, be it PhD students, Masters, or early career scholars, or senior professors) can discuss issues associated with academic writing. I love #AcWri, and while it is also a synchronous weekly chat, I often use it asynchronously.

Two edits: #GetYourManuscriptOut and #SUWT (Shut Up and Write Tuesdays)

#GetYourManuscriptOut is a hashtag that Mireya Marquez (UIA), Steven Shaw (McGill University) and I started to ensure collective encouragement to finish up manuscripts that were languishing. The hashtag has taken up quite nicely and there’s a lot of people tweeting support for academic writing in order to finish manuscripts. You can follow the hashtag here.

Shut Up and Write Tuesdays (SUWT): In their own words,

Our goal is to help you set aside dedicated writing time, make progress, learn from others, and become part of an international community of academic writers. So if you’ve got a thesis chapter, journal article, grant application, or conference abstract to write, you’ve come to the right place!

You can imagine, of course, that Shut Up and Write Tuesdays happens in fact on Tuesdays. You can follow their tweetage here. Dr Siobhan O’Dwyer is the founder of Shut Up & Write Tuesdays and the host of @SUWTues, Dr Rebecca Jefferson is the host of @SUWTUK and Jennifer Goff is the host of @SUWTNA, with guest hosts Dr Sharon McDonough and Michelle Redman-MacLaren.

Of course, you could argue that I missed #SocPhD, #PhDForum, etc. But this list was already long as I was writing it, so I’m sure someone else will take on the idea and run with it. I just thought I should summarize them for your perusal.

Posted in academia.

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