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The March 2021 #AICCSED Reading, Annotating and Systematizing Challenge

Keeping up with the literature is absolutely impossible, to be perfectly honest. There is just too much to read and too little time to do so, with multiple, competing demands for our time. My latest two blog posts (on “Strategies to Catch Up with the Literature” and on “Batch Processing Techniques”) focus on how to get “up-to-speed” with whichever scholarly body of work we are currently exploring. I did a quick poll to see if people would like to do yet another Reading, Annotating, Systematizing Challenge (as we did in September of 2020, October of 2018, and March-April of 2018). Apparently, people want to do it again this 2021, so here it goes.


The challenge operates like this: you declare on Twitter which article you will read on whichever day you will read it, using the hashtag #AICCSED, and then post a screenshot of the Conceptual Synthesis Excel Dump (CSED or Excel Dump for short) row entry for that particular article. I call this strategy the #AICCSED Processing Protocol. We repeat this on a daily basis (you can do Monday through Friday or all 30 days of the month, it is up to you). The idea is that towards the end, you’ll be basically up to speed with at least SOME PARTS of the literature.

Hopefully this will be an interesting activity that moves you forward and not yet another burden on already over-burdened scholars! Do let me know how you do. You can track progress of how me and others are doing #AICCSED by clicking on this link.

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