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Water Conflicts in Mexico: A Multi-Method Approach

Together with Dr. Jaime Sainz (CIDE), Dr. Adriana Aguilar (Centro GEO), Dr. Gerardo Iñiguez (UNAM), and with the generous funding of CONACYT (the Mexican National Research Council, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia) through a National Problems 2015 Inter-Institutional Large Grant (2017-2019), I am undertaking a comprehensive analysis of water conflict in Mexico.

Museo Nacional de Historia (Bosque de Chapultepec, Ciudad de Mexico)

This is a multi-method project where each of the project sub-component leaders will be leading the rest of us in engaging in a particular sub-set of techniques that can be used to understand water conflict. We will be using text-as-data, multisited ethnographies, agent-based modeling, and social network analysis techniques to understand questions that include:

  • What factors drive water conflict in Mexico?
  • What types of water conflict are the most contentious within the Mexican context?
  • How can we contribute knowledge and information to the understanding of water conflict emergence, consolidation, and potentially, resolution?
  • What kind of information do policymakers need to tackle water conflicts in Mexico?

We will be publishing information about the case studies we undertake in the next few months.

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