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Suggestions on qualitative research methods’ articles and books for graduate students

Anybody who has ever read my work knows that I’ve done a lot of research using qualitative methods (even though I consider myself a multi-method scholar). Anyhow, Dr. Yasemin Besen-Cassino requested suggestions of “cool journal articles/book chapters” that her qualitative research methods students’ might be interested in reading.

Reviewing the literature and mapping scholarship

Since we have a new Masters in Methods for Public Policy Analysis (CIDE METPOL) and I will be teaching a couple of courses there, I decided to turn my thread into a permanent blog post for people to refer to this one.

I know that I am as guilty of not providing full links to citations in some cases, but I was sleep-deprived. Though I personally prefer to offer suggestions with full citations and links to all PDFs.

This particular article by Dr. Carole McGranahan is amazing, on ethnographic sensibility and teaching it without fieldwork.

I also chose to embed a few suggestions that scholars provided on Dr. Besen-Cassino’s thread that had direct URLs and that I found interesting to read as well. See below.

I particularly love Dr. Zeynep Arsel’s work.

I love the work Dr. Daisy Verduzco Reyes does, and in particular this piece of hers involves doing qualitative work with communities of color (Hispanic/Latino)

I actually teach with Dr. Wolfinger’s article on field notes, see below.

On flexible coding:

In the future, I plan to write more about qualitative and experimental methods as well, both for my own students and for others.

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