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Getting unstuck with your #AcWri: responding to, or critiquing a statement/argument

I get stuck, all the time. Even though I write a lot, and I write about writing as well, I often feel stumped. There’s a particular paper that I am having a really hard time finishing, and I’ve been trying a few different techniques to get myself to complete it (I’ve written about all of them below, as my Twitter thread below indicates).

The one strategy that is almost always fail-safe and pretty much gets me out of a writing rut just about all the time is responding to a statement/argument. Nothing gets me writing faster than wanting to demonstrate how someone is wrong.

author is wrong

I found a really insightful paper on a topic I’m writing about, and then I found a couple of places where I disagreed with the author, so I used those points of disagreement to write a memorandum in response.

This strategy (to respond, critique or counter-argue a statement as a prompt to write) has served me well when feeling stuck. Hopefully it will be useful to others!

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Posted in academia.

One Response

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  1. Ian Dombroski says

    This is a wonderful post. Many thanks for posting it!

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