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How to write a systematic review, a narrative review, a scoping review or a meta-analysis

As I mentioned on Twitter, on my blog, I write about the mechanics and heuristics of how *I* conduct a literature review. I share my method, which is systematic. With my blog posts, I teach my students and research assistants a systematic approach to read, annotate and write their literature reviews.

But there are different types of reviews and it is important for students, early career scholars and researchers to know that there is a broad range of reviews. Many of these are actual scholarly products that get published.

Literature Road Mapping

My Twitter thread includes links to a few resources, several of which I also list below.

As I mention on my Twitter thread, I teach the mechanics of how to conduct a literature review, but these heuristics are how *I* do them, and I share them in hopes someone can use them and adapt them as they see fit (and also, I write these resources to help my own students and research assistants!)

And here are a few systematic literature reviews I found interesting and well done.

A few resources (with links to freely downloadable materials):

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Posted in academia.

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