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Developing a repertoire of reading strategies is extremely important

My conversations on Twitter with Dr. Pat Thomson (The University of Nottingham) are always delightful. Pat is someone I deeply admire for her research and her commitment to graduate students and scholarly collegiality. I have had the fortune of interacting with her on a regular basis and she’s someone whose blog I refer my own students and research assistants as well as just about everybody who follows me on Twitter. Several times, Pat has emphasized the importance of developing “repertoires”. She is entirely right.

Reading outlining and calendar cross-posting

As a former competitive dancer, classical piano player and overall, someone who doesn’t believe that “one size fits all”, I am all about the repertoires.

But as I have said, reading takes time, as does doing good research.

This is why I developed an entire page on Reading Strategies (and more recently, one on Reading Strategies for Undergraduate Students). Because while you don’t need to Read All The Things in depth, you DO need to read SOME of those things quite deeply.

Reading Writing Summarizing and Others January 2017 099

The repertoire needs to vary, almost as much as the material does. And as I’ve written before, you develop heuristics to triage your reading material by…

… well…

Reading. And again, doing more reading. And even more reading.

There is no substitute for practice, unfortunately. This is true in academia and in everything else. Hopefully this blog post and my Resources pages will help others develop their own robust repertoire of reading strategies.

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