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Call for Papers #ISA2015 on the global politics of water (International Studies Association)

If you are interested in the global dimensions of water governance, you may be interested in participating in this panel I am organizing for the International Studies Association 2015 conference in New Orleans.

ISA 2015 Proposed panel
The global politics of water: Towards a research agenda
Dr. Raul Pacheco-Vega
Assistant Professor, Public Administration Division
Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas (CIDE)

The notion of water as a global commons has been gaining notoriety as abrupt climate change, expansive urbanization and population growth have put additional pressure on dwindling water resources. As global water governance patterns and interactions become increasingly complex, we need to re-examine and reassess where we are in the study of the global politics of water governance. This panel seeks papers that explore questions related (but not limited) to new models and ideas around transboundary water governance, the role of UN-WATER in the global water governance system, water as a global commons, the role of multinational corporations in the global water market, the global emergence of private actors in public water supply, the cross-scalar dynamics of water management in the face of climate change, etc.

If interested in participating in this panel, please send a draft abstract (200 words) and your institutional affiliation to raul(.)pacheco(-)vega(@)cide(.)edu by end-of-day May 22nd, 2014.

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