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Ann Markusen on “Researching and making the case for creative/cultural policy”

I can’t liveblog the full seminar, but I’ll type a few notes here on CoverItLive as I can.

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Posted in cluster theory, comparative public policy.

One Response

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  1. Yule Heibel says

    Thanks for that coverage, Raul. Sounds like a very interesting seminar – too bad (for me, for us readers!) that you had to cut it short…

    What she was saying about exports: do you know if this relates in any way to Jane Jacobs’s ideas around import-stretching in cities? (It was one of her ideas around wealth-creation in urban settings. Kind of too tired to look it up properly right now or to explain it properly, but you can find relevant links online. Eg.:

    Thanks also for tweeting that link to her Markusen’s work online ( ). Good stuff…

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