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How to write an abstract for a paper

I’ve been teaching small workshops for my lab on how to do scientific writing. Doing these short, quick courses helps me provide them with insights on how I write my own papers, and how they can write their own papers (plus dissertations and theses). With these classes, I also create a shared knowledge base and approach to investigating a topic and presenting research. Yesterday, I realized that while I have written a ton of blog posts on research, I had not published any blog posts on abstracts nor conclusions. This and my next blog post try to make amends for these omissions.

I really, really love Dr. Jessica Calarco’s 5 sentences model.

Several suggestions I got off my Twitter request:

I hope these resources are helpful!

EDIT – a few additional resources after Dr. Compton requested more…

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Posted in academia, research, writing.

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  1. suzanne says

    This is very helpful for me to get a better understanding of the structure of an abstract. If you get around to it, it would be especially helpful to see some examples of good abstracts. I’m working on a lit review, and I have seen any examples of that specific type of article. When you come across some, would you post them here for us? That would be much appreciated. Regards!

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